Consumer Data Reports

H1 Consumer Data Review Press Release Augusst 2022

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The GCVA is partnering with GlobalData to deliver a monthly snapshot of consumer behaviour and attitudes when it comes to gift cards.

This is the 26th wave of monthly research, since GlobalData began tracking, back in May 2020, with the initial research covering the period from the beginning of lockdown (in March 2020) to the end of May 2020. This report explores habits over the first six months of 2022 (H1 2022).

Findings are based on GlobalData’s monthly gift card fieldwork, which surveys a UK nationally representative sample of 2,000 shoppers a month. On the time-period comparisons, comparisons have been made between H1 2022 and H1 2021. To provide some context regarding the external environment during these periods, during H1 2021 the UK was in a restrictive third lockdown over January-March. While restrictions were gradually lifted over late March-June 2021 – with non-essential retail and leisure reopening in mid-April – it wasn’t was until July 2022 that all remaining social restrictions were eventually lifted.

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